My Mentors
I've often gained from the people I've worked with however there are some particular people I'd like to mention as providing the insight to bring about quantifiable step changes in my personal development.
Anne Gilchrist: Stopped me from being verbose. Has that Gordon Ramsey talent of being incredibly blunt whilst at the same time being incredibly genuine about wanting you to succeed. BAMZOOKi came about because of her strong belief in me and the concept.
Annemarie MacDonald
Dylan Banarse - the brains behind BAMZOOKi. I've worked with Dylan for over ten years now and he can't be matched. He's incredibly generous with his patience and know-how.
Frank Alsema - I met Frank back in Jan 1999, when he showed me the Karl Sims video which inspired BAMZOOKi. He's a real innovator and pioneer, perhaps to his detriment as he's way off infront of the crowd. He came up with TypoToons, and has worked on a whole heap of interesting cross-media output (which I shall list). Frank is one of those people you don't need to see for months in order for the friendship to survive.
Gary Pope - a berserker sent by Kids Industries to make the children's media/product industry think about things from a child's perspective. He's made me consider of the stages of their development, their needs as a function of gender and the size of their hands (there's no point selling yoghurt for 6 years olds if they can't get their mits around the tub.
Greg Childs - Greg gave me my first job as an Assistant Stage Manager at the BBC and is now my head of studies for the Akademie für Kindermedien. The question is, where would I genuinely be without him.
John Fletcher -
Kez Margrie
Marc Goodchild
Mario Giordano
Nicole Kellerhals
Nikki Sved
Peter Mechels
Rob Prass