There's something about lying that fascinates us. I had three examples hit me in a week. Firstly when I watched the American series (with an English guy, Tim Roth ) 'Lie to me', a show where really clever people can tell naughty people are telling lies. The second was the really disturbing case where a radio DJ had used a lie detector to ask a 14 yr old girl about her sexual liasons, resultimng in her explaining that she had been raped. Almost the process of lying or not lying had somehow granted him (and the audience) the right to push the boundaries of what was and what wasn't decent. Lastly the game ''lille hund der er nogen der har taget dit kødben' [little dog is there someone that has taken your bone] my children played with me the other day where someone goes down on all fours and places an object 'the bone' on their back. One of those standing around must then take the bone and place it behind their back so that the dog (the person on all fours) then has two chances to bark at whoever they believe has the bone. Much like with the 'Lie to me' show, I could see how engaging it was for a four and six year old to play around with the mechanisms of lying and lie detection.